Independent information on drug efficacy and safety: 2009-2011 experience of the "SIF-Farmaci in Evidenza" newsletter
The members of “SIF-Farmaci in Evidenza” network1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, M.A. Catania2, M.R. Luppino2, A.C. Rosa7, S. Sigala1, F. Casale7, R. Fantozzi7

1University of Brescia
2University of Messina
3University of Napoli
4University of Padova
5University of Pisa
6University of Sassari
7University of Turin
8University of Verona
In order to spread a right evidence on drug efficacy and safety, thus playing a role in the field of the independent drug information in Italy, SIF has started to publish the newsletter “SIF-Farmaci in evidenza”  since November 1st 2007. The publication was accomplished under the direction of A.P. Caputi, who has been substituted by R. Fantozzi since 2010.
Materials and methods
The newsletter has been carrying out by a network of young SIF researchers coordinated by M.R. Luppino first, thereafter by M.A. Catania (both of the University of Messina), and nowadays by S. Sigala of the University of Brescia.
The newsletter, published fortnightly, has been giving a brief summary of an up-to-date selected papers on the following topics: pharmacoutilization, appropriateness, pharmacovigilance, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, and medical devices (this last topic, edited monthly and coordinated by A.C. Rosa,  in collaboration with the Direzione Generale dei Farmaci e Dispositivi Medici, Ministero del Lavoro, della Salute e delle Politiche Sociali). The paper selection has been performing by the staff members on articles published upon specialized or not-specialized scientific journals and is aimed to give information mostly on drugs in the italian market and to deal with the major debates on the risk/benefit and cost/efficacy ratios in the international literature. “SIF-Farmaci in evidenza” is addressed not only to pharmacologists or SIF members, but also to physicians, including general practitioners, pharmacists, other health care givers.
In the period 2009, May 1st – 2011, May 1st, 45 issues were published accounting for 462 articles (401 on drugs and  61 about medical devices). These articles were selected form 89 journals, the 10 mostly selected were: NEJM (n=84), BMJ (n=58), Lancet (n=57), Arch Int Med (n=40), JAMA (n=34), Ann Inter Med (n=21), Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf (n=13), Lanet Neurol (n=11), Eur J Clin Pharmacol (n=8) and Am Hearth J (n=7). The newsletter can be freely  downloaded from SIF website (; a short version is sent to up 4000 e-mail addresses (general practitioners and specialists, Health Authorities, pharmaceutical industries, press agencies, scientific societies). The mean web access in the 30 days after the publication was 992 ± 537, with the most visited issues published the 1st of the month.
The running experience of the newsletter has confirmed the previous positive results. It has been established a national network of young researchers able to offer to the Health Authorities a quick, up-to-date, independent, correct, and comparative information on drugs efficacy and safety. It may represent a contribution, little but reliable, of SIF to the Health Service in Italy.