Poster Session XIII


P-13/1 The presence of two specific SNP may reduce mesalazine efficacy. Future prospects for the clinical management of IBD patients
V. Perrone, E. Moroni, P. Danelli, C. Perrotta, C. Carnovale, R. Colognato, G. Milani, E. Clementi, S. Radice, S. Antoniazzi (Milano)
P-13/2 Intensive monitoring program of adverse drug reactions inemergency department (MEREAFaPS study): the Tuscan experience.
A. Pergola, C. Blandizzi, M. Rossi, A. Capogrosso Sansone, M. Moschini, F. Rimoli, E. Cecchi, A. Vannacci, S. Montagnani, C. Scollo, E. Ruggiero, S. Mantarro, L. Picchianti, M.C. Leo, G. Giustarini, T. Testi, M. Santini, L. Spisni, F. Mannelli, M.S. Verzuri, M. Tuccori ( Pisa, Siena, Firenze, Prato)
P-13/3 Lens care products efficacy and tolerance, a difficult balance. A review of literature data
V. Ghirardi, A. Nunziata (Pomezia , Pomezia)
P-13/4 A case of haemorrhagic cystitis and conjunctivitis by inhaled albuterol and beclomethasone
C. Carnovale, A. Piazza, S. Antoniazzi, V. Perrone, E. Clementi , S. Radice (Milano, Monza)
P-13/5 Impact of notoriety bias on reporting of pancreatitis with antidiabetics: the case of exenatide
E. Raschi, C. Piccinni, E. Poluzzi, F. De Ponti ( Bologna)
P-13/6 Combined treatment of Phenobarbital and Lamotrigine induced blood dyscrasia in an epileptic patient
L. Gallelli, A. Siniscalchi , G.A. Tolotta, C. Palleria, C. Giofrè, G. De Sarro (Catanzaro, Cosenza)
P-13/7 Prescription of potential drug-drug interaction in two Italian Regions
E. Tragni, M. Casula, V. Pieri, G. Favato, A. Marcobelli, M.G. Trotta, A.L. Catapano (Milano, Ancona, Potenza)
P-13/8 Adverse reactions related to systemic antibiotics: data from the French national pharmacovigilance database.
F. Salvo, F. Haramburu , C. Dumartin , A. Pariente, A. Fourrier-Réglat , P. Auriche , G. Miremont-Salamé (Bordeaux, Paris)
P-13/9 Psychiatric disorders associated with tyrosin-kinase inhibitors: a signal detection analysis of the Italian spontaneous reporting database of adverse drug reactions
S. Montagnani, M. Tuccori , C. Scollo, S. Mantarro, G. Giustarini, C. Blandizzi (Pisa)
P-13/10 Skin cancers associated with anti-TNF-α drugs: a disproportional analysis of the Italian spontaneous reporting database of adverse drug reactions.
S. Mantarro, M. Tuccori, C. Scollo, S. Montagnani, G. Giustarini, M. Moschini, F. Lapi, A. Testi, E. Ruggiero, A. Vannacci, L. Sottosanti, A. Mugelli, F. Ferrazin, C. Blandizzi (Pisa, Firenze, Roma)
P-13/11 Alopecia effluvium following administration of bivalent vaccine as prophylaxis against human papilloma virus: two case reports
C. Scollo, M. Tuccori, C. Pisani, G. Giustarini, S. Montagnani, S. Mantarro, C. Cirinei, F. Lena, M. Rubinelli, M. Pardini, L. Bachini, C. Blandizzi (Pisa, Livorno, Grosseto)
P-13/12 Oral anticancer drug and patient safety
F. Musicco , M.G. Celeste, A. Tufo, C. Peschi , R. Fraschetti , N. Mores (Roma)
P-13/13 Findings of osteonecrosis of the jaw under combined bisphosphonate and antiangiogenic therapies: an emergent problem?
I. Morreale, A. Alaimo, O. Di Fede, A. Musciotto, V. Fusco, N. D'Alessandro, G. Campisi (Palermo, Alessandria)
P-13/14 Adverse events and interactions due to Chinese Herbal Drugs in Italy. A three-year pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacogenomic and pharmacovigilance survey.
A. Vannacci, F. Lapi, E. Gallo, A. Pugi, E. Lucenteforte, R. Bonaiuti, V. Mascherini, R. Raschetti, F. Menniti-Ippolito, A. Mugelli, F. Firenzuoli (Firenze, Roma)
P-13/15 Italian post-marketing surveillance for adverse event reports after MF59-adjuvanted H1N1v vaccination
E. Parretta, B. Ianniello, F. Ferrazin, F. Rossi, A. Capuano (Napoli, Roma)
P-13/16 Prescribing pattern and adherence to the statins therapy: a population-based study in Italian primary health care
L. Sportiello, A. Capuano, C. Ferrajolo, C. Pagliaro, I. Lombardi, C. Sirianni, R. Ferrara , M. Tari, A.P. Caputi, F. Rossi, V. Arcoraci (Napoli, Rotterdam, Caserta, Messina)
P-13/17 Observational study comparing the safety of typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs in patients affected by dementia with Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD)
M.G. Sullo, R. Formica, S. Potenza, I. Putaturo, R. Cusano, T. Pisapia, S. Ruggiero, B. Rinaldi, A. Capuano, F. Rossi (Napoli, Roma)
P-13/18 Analysis of toxic exposures to cosmetic products through the data base of the Poison Control Centre of the Niguarda Ca’ Granda Hospital
S. Ruggiero, P.A. Moro, F. Davanzo , L. Sportiello, A. Capuano, R. Rossi, L. Sautebin (Napoli, Milano)
P-13/19 Inadequate cancer pain management in clinical trials
V. Maggini, E. Lucenteforte, R. Maione, V. Fabbroni, C. Tomino, A. Mugelli (Firenze, Roma)
P-13/20 Acute Hepatitis associated with use of green tea and oral contraceptives: a case report
E. Gallo, A. Pugi, V. Maggini, G. Pieraccini, R. Notaro, L. Longo, V. Annese, G. Vannozzi, F. Firenzuoli, A. Mugelli, A. Vannacci (Firenze)
P-13/21 Post-marketing drug surveillance of psychotropic drugs: a pilot study in a pediatric setting
M.S. Gagliostro, A. Magazù, V. Arcoraci, P.M. Cutroneo, A. Gagliano, E. Germanò, R. Siracusano, G. Masi, E. Spina (Messina, Pisa)
P-13/22 An investigation on the perception of the risk on the use of medicinal plants commonly used and sold by herbalists in Tuscany
E. Gallo, E. Lucenteforte, S. Harrison, M. Di Pirro, M. Moschini, L. Gori, V. Mascherini, F. Firenzuoli, A. Mugelli, A. Vannacci (Firenze)
P-13/23 Adverse Reactions to Incretin-Based Therapies: Data From The Italian Spontaneous Reporting System
P.M. Cutroneo, L. Sottosanti, A. Russo, P. Cananzi, V. Pizzimenti, D. Crupi, S. Potenza, D. Morlino, F. Ferrazin, A.P. Caputi (Messina, Roma, Palermo)
P-13/24 Potential interactions between synthetic drugs, herbal medicine and dietary supplements during preoperative anaesthesiological assessment.
E. Gallo, A. Pugi, E. Lucenteforte, G. Diddi, M. La Torre, P. Lupi, F. Lapi, A. Mugelli, F. Firenzuoli, A. Vannacci (Firenze, Prato, Empoli)
P-13/25 Lack of standardization in a cod liver oil dietary supplement: three cases of hypervitaminosis D
A. Vannacci, E. Gallo, E. Giocaliere, A. Pugi, F. Menniti-Ippolito, D. Bettoni, F. Capurro, G. Pieraccini, G. Moneti, F. Firenzuoli (Firenze, Roma, Brescia, Novara)
P-13/26 Use of medicinal natural products by Italian women in Sicily
A. Pieratti, D. Crupi, G. Calapai, A. De Sarro (Messina)
P-13/27 Intensive monitoring of AdverSe drug reactions in patients receiving pharmacological Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis and other rheumatologic diseases, with particular focus on biotechnoLoGicAL drUgS: the ASTRAGALUS study. A preliminary 6-month analysis
G. Giustarini, M. Tuccori, L. Bazzichi, S. Manganelli, F. Peruzzi, O.M. Sacu, L. Picchianti, A. Capogrosso, M. Rossi, F. Sernissi, C. Giacomelli, R. Neri, M.G. De Montis, F. Nacci, F. Lapi, A. Pergola, C. Scollo, S. Mantarro, L. Sabadini, A. Mugelli, S. Bombardieri, M. Matucci-Cerinic, M. Galeazzi, C. Blandizzi (Pisa, Siena, Firenze, Arezzo)
P-13/28 Safety profile of antiviral analogues: a case/non case study using the Italian spontaneous reporting database
A. Pugi, R. Bonaiuti, M. Tuccori, M. Moschini, V. Maggini, L. Sottosanti, S. Potenza, F. Ferrazin, A. Mugelli, A. Vannacci, F. Lapi (Firenze, Pisa, Roma)
P-13/29 Torsade de Pointes and QT prolongation with antipsychotics: a disproportionality analysis in the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FDA_AERS)
E. Raschi, E. Elisabetta, A. Ariola, F. Fabrizio (Bologna)
P-13/30 Tramadol-associated Psychiatric Adverse Events: A Signal from the pharmacovigilance data of Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA)
L. Sottosanti, F. Ferrazin, A. Capuano, F. Rossi, S. Potenza (Roma, Napoli)
P-13/31 Assessing the risk of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ) due to Bisphosphonates (BP) therapy in the secondary prevention of osteoporotic fractures
F. Lapi, E. Sessa, M. Di Bari, G. Corrao, A. Zambon, L. Scotti, M. Sturkenboom, P. Geppetti, D. Gregori, F. Carle, A. Menna, AR. Vestri, A. Vaccheri, C. Piccin, A. Puccini, N. Montanaro, V. Arcoraci, AP. Caputi, G. Mazzaglia (Firenze, Milano, Rotterdam, Padova, Ancona, Latina, Bologna, Messina)
P-13/32 Prescription of proton pump inhibitor during 2006-2009 in Campania region
E. Tragni, M. Casula, S. Riegler, CM. Desogus, M. Gentili, S. Cammarota, A. Citarella, E. Menditto, E. Novellino, A.L. Catapano (Milano, Napoli)
P-13/33 Prescription of anti-osteoporosis drugs during 2004-2006 in an Italian Local Health Unit
M. Casula, E. Tragni, A. Filippi, F. Decè , L. Defendi, L. Gandolfi, L. Perego, R. Piccinelli, A.L. Catapano (Milano, Firenze, Bergamo)
P-13/34 Adherence to anti-osteoporosis therapy in an Italian population
M. Casula, E. Tragni, A. Filippi, F. Decè, L. Defendi, L. Gandolfi, L. Perego, R. Piccinelli, A.L. Catapano (Milano, Firenze, Bergamo)
P-13/35 The Safety of NSAIDs (SOS) project: what can be learned from quantitative reviews of RCTs.
F. Salvo, A. Fourrier-Réglat, F. Bazin , M. Balzarin , N. Riera , P. Robinson , M. Haag , N. Moore , M.C. Sturkenboom , A. Pariente (Bordeaux, Padova, Barcelona, Rotterdam)
P-13/36 NSAIDs safety evaluation: what misses from RCTs? Methodological issues and knowledge gaps identified through the SOS project
F. Salvo, A. Fourrier-Réglat, F. Bazin , M. Balzarin , N. Riera, M. Haag , N. Moore , M.C. Sturkenboom , A. Pariente (Bordeaux, Padova, Barcelona, Rotterdam)
P-13/37 Pattern of triptan use and cardiovascular co-prescription: a pharmacoepidemiological study in Italy
C. Biagi, E. Poluzzi, G. Roberto, A. Puccini, A. Vaccheri, R. D'Alessandro, D. Motola, N. Montanaro (Bologna)
P-13/38 Predictors of non-adherence with oral bisphosphonates: an Italian retrospective cohort study on administrative databases
C. Piccinni, A. Puccini, C. Suzzi, E. Poluzzi, C. Sacripanti, E. Buccellato, F. Lapi, G. Mazzaglia, A. Vaccheri (Bologna, Firenze)
P-13/39 Prescription patterns of oral bisphosphonates in Italian patients with osteoporosis
C. Suzzi, C. Piccinni, A. Puccini, E. Poluzzi , C. Sacripanti, E. Buccellato, F. Lapi, G. Mazzaglia, A. Vaccheri (Bologna, Firenze)
P-13/40 Risk of potentially drug-induced hepatic injury in paediatric population: data mining on electronic healthcare databases in Europe
C. Ferrajolo, KMC. Verhamme, A. Capuano, G. Trifirò, A. Oteri, G. Picelli, G. Mazzaglia, C. Cricelli, F. Rossi, MCJM. Sturkenboom (Napoli, Rotterdam, Messina, Desio, Firenze)
P-13/41 Antiepileptic drugs: prescribing patterns and interaction risk in general practice.
M.S. Gagliostro, R. Ferrara, C. Sirianni, C. Pagliaro, I. Lombardi, S. Moretti, M. Tari, A. Capuano, E. Spina, V. Arcoraci (Messina, Caserta, Napoli)
P-13/42 Risk-management of natalizumab: a drug utilization study on duration of therapy and cause of discontinuation in Emilia-Romagna region.
C. Sacripanti, C. Piccinni, A. Puccini, E. Poluzzi, N. Montanaro (Bologna)
P-13/43 Development and validation of “CeNSE”: a score to Classify paiN and palliative care SErvices.
E. Lucenteforte, V. Maggini, S. Rodella, F. Collini, G. Guidi, M. Scollo Abeti, A. Messeri, A. Mugelli, F. Lapi, A. Vannacci (Firenze)
P-13/44 “Fiesole Misurata” database: an ongoing project to investigate how to enhance adherence to antihypertensive medications
E. Lucenteforte, R. Bonaiuti, V. Maggini, A. Pugi, M. Moschini, M. Di Pirro, A. Barchielli, M. Belladonna, N. Nesti, A. Ungar, A. Mugelli, A. Vannacci, F. Lapi (Firenze)
P-13/45 Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) in clinical practice: a population-based study in the years 2004-2009
C. Sirianni, R. Ferrara, M.S. Gagliostro, A. Cannata, C. Pagliaro, I. Lombardi, S. Moretti, M. Tari, A. Capuano, F. Rossi, A.P. Caputi, V. Arcoraci (Messina, Caserta, Napoli)
P-13/46 ACE inhibitors and 
Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) prescribing patterns: 6 years follow-up in general practice
R. Ferrara, C. Sirianni, M.S. Gagliostro, A. Cannata, C. Pagliaro, I. Lombardi, S. Moretti, M. Tari, A. Capuano, F. Rossi, A.P. Caputi, V. Arcoraci (Messina, Caserta, Napoli)
P-13/47 Low Molecular Weight Heparinsprescribing patterns in the Local Health Authority of Messina, Italy, during 2010
S. Coppolino, C. Sgroi ( Messina)