Poster Session IX


P-9/1 High fat diet slows the wound healing process in aged mice
R. Avallone, C. Recordati, T. Croci (Milano, Mialno)
P-9/2 The combination of Serenoa Repens, Selenium and Lycopene is more effective than Serenoa Repens alone in preventing ormone-dependent prostatic growth
L. Minutoli, F. Squadrito, A. Bitto, N. Irrera, H. Marini, G. Morgia, D. Altavilla (Messina, Catania)
P-9/3 The cholestyramine-induced decrease of PYY postprandial response is negatively correlated with fat mass in obese women
M. Giunta, A.E. Rigamonti , M. Resnik, E. Compri, F. Agosti , A. De Col, N. Marazzi, S.M. Bonomo, S.G. Cella, A. Sartorio (Milano, Verbania, Milano/Verbania)
P-9/4 Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of Muscular Dystrophy and Involvement in a Nitric Oxide-based Therapy
S. Pambianco, R. Corradino, C. De Palma, C. Sciorati, E. Clementi (MILANO, CATANZARO)
P-9/5 Thyroid hormones modulate the functional polarization of mouse macrophages
M. Buldorini, C. Perrotta, E. Clementi, D. Cervia (Milano, Viterbo)
P-9/6 Genistein aglycone efficacy in postmenopausal metabolic syndrome: results from a randomized clinical trial.
F. Squadrito, A. Bitto, H. Marini, R. D'Anna, D. Altavilla (Messina)
P-9/7 Chronic nicotine treatment can induce human CYP2D6 expression: is it a not inducible enzyme yet?
E. Saba, L. Marabini, P. Bondiolotti, S. Bareggi, R. Benfante, D. Fornasari (Milan)
P-9/8 Correlations between endocrine and extraendocrine actions of growth hormone secretagogues mediated by GHS-R1A receptor.
L. Rizzi, L. Tamiazzo , E. Bresciani, E. Viganò , M. Ravelli, V. Locatelli, A. Torsello (Monza)
P-9/9 Retinol-Binding Protein 4 Levels, Insulin Resistance and Lipid Metabolism in Obese Postmenopausal Women: A Pilot Study
F. Miceli, E. Cantalupo , A.P. Lassandro , M.C. Moruzzi, P. Villa (Roma)
P-9/10 Polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN) reduces HMBG-1 production and the severity of collagen-induced arthritis by stimulation of adenosine A2A receptor.
F. Squadrito, A. Bitto, N. Irrera, L. Minutoli, M. Rinaldi, D. Altavilla (Messina)
P-9/11 Influence of polymorphism -308 G/A of the TNF-α gene on High Mobility Group Box-1 protein in rheumatoid and spondylo-arthritis patients.
D. Altavilla, G. Bagnato, R. Talotta, N. Irrera, F. Squadrito (Messina)
P-9/12 Effectiveness of SPA Therapy in Knee Osteoarthritis
M. Costantino, A. Filippelli ( NAPOLI)
P-9/13 The endovanilloid/endocannabinoid system: a new potential target for osteoporosis therapy
F. Rossi, G. Bellini, L. Luongo, M. Torella, S. Mancusi, L. De Petrocellis, D. Siniscalco, S. Perrotta, B. Nobili, V. Di Marzo, S. Maione (Napoli)
P-9/14 White cells count in smokers affected by rheumatic diseases.
E. Calzavara, M. Navarra, A. Carnì, C. Mannucci, A. Pieratti, V. Cafeo, M. Miroddi, A.P. Caputi, G. Calapai (Messina)