Sessioni Comunicazioni Orali

Pharmacology of metabolism - Session I

Martedì 27 Ottobre 2015 / 15.00-16.45
140Plasma-derived and synthetic HDL inhibit tissue factor in endothelial cells and monocytes
Ossoli A., Remaley A., Vaisman B., Calabresi L., Gomaraschi M.
399Involvement of endogenous adenosine via A2B receptors in colonic dysmotility associated with high fat diet-induced obesity
Pellegrini C., Fornai M., Sacco D., Tirotta E., Caputi V., Giron MC., Orso G., Marsilio I., Scarpignato C., Blandizzi C., Colucci R., Antonioli L.
497The management of type II diabetes in patients with chronic kidney disease: a population-based study in Southern Italy
Sultana J., Pizzimenti V., Giorganni F., Muscianisi M., Parrino F., Troncone C., Tari DU., Arcoraci V., Santoro D., Russo G., Caputi AP., Trifirò G.
536Effects of a new combination of Berberine, Monacolin k and Morus Alba on lipid profile and HDL functions in healty subjects: a pilot study
Zimetti F., Adorni MP., Tanzi S., Trimarco V., Izzo R., Rozza F., Manzi MV., Bernini F.
625SOCS-3 induces PCSK9 expression in hepatic HepG2 cell line
Ruscica M., Ricci C., Macchi C., Magni P., Corsini A., Ferri N.
623Lomitapide treatment highly affects lipoprotein profile and HDL funcionality in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia
Zimetti F., Adorni MP., Ronda N., Bernini F., Cefalù AB., Averna M., Yahya R., Bos S., Verhoeven A., Sijbrands E., Roeters van Lennep J., Mulder M., Favari E.
660Nucleus of the solitary tract cholecystokinin-expressing neurons control appetite
D'Agostino G., Lyons DJ., Heisler LK.