Sessioni Comunicazioni Orali

Pharmacogenetics and personalized medicine - Session II

Mercoledì 28 Ottobre 2015 / 15.45-17.15
54Risk of thromboembolic events in metastatic colorectal cancer patients with single nucleotide polymorphisms in Factor V Leiden (FVL), Prothrombin, Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR)
Falvella FS., Cremolini C., Miceli R., Niger M., Berenato R., Cheli S., Antoniotti C., Nichetti F., Infante G., Caporale M., Martinetti A., Marmorino F., Sottotetti E., Colombo A., Bossi I., Di Bartolomeo M., de Braud F., Loupakis F., Clementi E., Pietrantonio F.
138A genome wide microRNA investigation suggests new biomarkers in suicide and lithium targets
Squassina A., Niola P., Lopez JP., Congiu D., Cruceanu C., Deiana V., Chillotti C., Severino G., Alda M., Turecki G., Del Zompo M.
355Personalization of linezolid dosing regimen at a tertiary-care hospital setting: how much does it impact on drug exposure and therapy costs?
Cojutti P G., Pea F., Baraldo M.
225The combination of pharmacogenetic and pharmacokinetic analyses to optimise clomipiramine dosing: a case report
Antoniazzi S., Cigliobianco M., Cheli S., Cattaneo D., Tatulli A., Altamura CA., Paoli RA., Clementi E., Falvella FS., Bernardi FF.
546Pharmacological characterization of a hNav1.4 sodium channel mutation causing paramyotonia congenita
Farinato A., Altamura C., Imbrici P., Conte Camerino D., Desaphy JF.
641Pharmacogenetic determinants of response to infliximab in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease
Stocco G., Cuzzoni E., Favretto D., Naviglio S., De Iudicibus S., Lucafò M., Fabris M., Cifù A., Taddio A., Martelossi S., Ventura A., Decorti G.