Sessioni Comunicazioni Orali

Stem cells in cardiovascular diseases

Giovedì 29 Ottobre 2015 / 14.00-15.45
375Beta-blocker treatment in heart failure patients correlates with successful isolation of resident cardiac progenitor cells and affects their phenotype through EMT modulation
Pagano F., Cavaretta E., Siciliano C., Mangino G., Peruzzi M., Marullo A., Sciarretta S., Biondi Zoccai G., Chimenti I., Frati G.
387Cardiac stem cells are indispensable for heart homeostasis and repair
Torella D., Vicinanza C., Aquila I., Scalise M., Marino F., Mancuso T., Cianflone E., Mollace V., Indolfi C.
491Impact of heart failure on cardiac stem cells
Gianfranceschi G., Caragnano A., Mazzega E., Sponga S., Livi U., Aleksova A., Cesselli D., Beltrami AP.
605Modeling congenital heart defects with pluripotent stem cells: insights from human embryonic stem cells with trisomy 21
Sartiani L., Bosman A., Letourneau A., Del Lungo M., Ronzoni F., Kuziakiv R., Tohonen V., Zucchelli M., Santoni F., Guipponi M., Dumevska B., Hovatta O., Antonarakis S., Jaconi M.
611Clinical trials in cardiovascular cell therapy: where we are going
Bassetti B., Spaltro G., Cavallotti L., Catto V., Carbucicchio C., Pompilio G.
612Cellular basis of drug induced heart failure: role of stem cells
Urbanek K., Quaini F., Cappetta D., Piegari E., Esposito G., Russo R., Frati C., Berrino L., De Angelis A., Rossi F.
659Improving the therapeutic properties of mesenchymal stromal cells for ischemic heart disease
Gnecchi M.